I know understands by hip prosthesis or total hip arthroplasty the restoration or replacement of a damaged joint and painful due to metallic components (chrome , cobalt , molybdenum , titanium , oxinium ), ceramics and polyethylenes .

All of these components are They usually combine different ways to lengthen life of the prosthesis based on decrease the friction between the different parts .

On the other hand , it They make very important efforts so that these components are join the bone of a way stable and harmonica , since I know try to put together some metals that are inert with a living bone and changing they will respond to the different needs of use .

In as for the wear of prosthetics , they have obtained some metals hard enough , attached to polyethylenes of high density or well the combination of ceramics , hardened metals for _ duration of they can exceed 20 years .

The prostheses are attached to the bone either by screws , threaded , or cemented , depending on the age and bone quality of the person.


During the first 24-48 hours must remain in bed and take some drains so you don’t bruises appear inside the articulation . You should also not perform rotations or important flexions to avoid a dislocation of the hip since the mobility between components is congruent , but between them only keep for him muscle tone .

Between the 3rd and 6th days will you can sit in a high chair with legs apart and start the always go with help of two canes , since I don’t know owns the insufficient strength or security .

Depending on the bone quality and yes the prosthesis is cemented can support the weight of body to walk but should be postponed and be progressive if prosthesis is without cement . All of this is for one and remodel the bone with the metal prosthesis and avoid unnecessary pain in the following months .

You can walk and climb stairs to from 6th to 8th day of postoperative . stroll , in successive weeks , always with the help of canes and with support of the limb that your surgeon indicate .


I know can and should perform isometric exercises even in bed to prevent muscle atrophy , but no will need active physiotherapy and specialized , since the early ambulation and minimal pain that I may have not will create contractures or stiffness that will not they can win by walking . You should practice postural hygiene sitting with open legs , in high chair and place a supplement in the toilet to sit higher than usual.

The pain usually disappears right after the operation and requires little analgesia.

But there is a contraindication by the surgeon , between 6-8 weeks you can swim , drive and fend for oneself in the usual tasks , but no should start any work that requires efforts .

In prosthetics without cement not should be abused charge so that the prosthetics stabilize and be remodel the bone . This is particularly desirable in the young patient for _ prosthesis be durable and not loosen for a excess of overload.


With the current materials and except in very exceptional cases due to allergy to metals , Excessive overloads are not loosen dentures _ hip , but it may happen that the pain returns or form limp progressive to cape of the years requiring a replacement of the prosthesis .

The why do i know loosens a prosthesis is still being discussed , but if related to poor placement , excess weight, excess of request in the work or sport in young patients or for the waste from wear of materials .

Once I know start the process of loosening , pain and lameness are usually common and are not I would have to wait a long time to do the replacement of the prosthesis since it greatly complicates its rescue , it is require special prosthetics interventions are complex .

I always know investigate new hip prostheses , to preserve the largest stock bone and increase the mobility in young people , either due to avascular necrosis sequel to a accident , but the results to very long deadline not yet known they know .